P-Type, Programmable, Low Voltage
All Position,
Variable Speed Travel Carriage
An Introduction to Gullco "Kat" Welding / Cutting Automation
Heart of the System
World Famous "Kat" Travel Carriage
is it ?
Gullco "Kat" carriage is essentially a motorized platform for welding guns
and cutting torches that travels along a special track. Its purpose is
to automate welding/cutting operations by moving the activated gun or torch
along the desired work path at the exact required speed. Result : manual
error and fatigue problems are eliminated .... specified quality and productivity
targets are repeatedly achieved.
Does it operate ?
electrically powered 'Kat' has a pinion drive gear that engages the rack
on the special Kat track, driving it forward or reverse at selected speeds.
A wheel guide system grips each side of the track enabling the Kat to travel
in any position... even upside down. An advanced micro-processor based
control provides precise forward/reverse speed settings for optimum automated
weld or cut results.
Gullco KAT GK-191
Series and GK 192 Series
Kat Welding / Cutting Automation available in GK-191
Series for use with rigid
aluminium kat track and GK-192 series
fo use with flexible
spring steel flex-track
Carriage and Oscillator Controls are housed in this version of the Kat...
which combines welding gun oscillation movement with precise travel speed
of the Kat to produce many angular and step patterns. Some are shown at
right. An outstanding feature is the oscillator head. It is an independent
unit that can be easily adjusted side to side or forward / backward to
provide the most effective angle for multi-pass oscillation.
version of the Kat houses Kat carriage control and Auto-Weld control which
responds to adjustable timers and limit switches that are "tripped" by
actuators on the track. Various control settings and actuator positions
are combined to repeatdly perform automated weld/cut cycles including stitch
version of the Kat is designed to automate overlay work. The system utilizes
a control that indexes tha rack arm at each end of the Kat travel path.
It responds to limit switches activated by adjustable track mounted stops.
Series for use with rigid
aluminium kat track
fo use with flexible
spring steel flex-track
Getting on the
Right Track
Kat Track is available in Rigid
or Flex Track to
suit flat or curved surface applications... along with track mounting device
models for effective use on metallic or non metallic surfaces.